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I. Tsuda
Transitory dynamics and its possible roles in the perception and dynamic memory in the brain
Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Special Seminar, China, (Nov. 18, 2009)
Hiroshi Fujii, Kazuyuki Aihara and Ichiro Tsuda
Top-down Mechanism of Perception: A Scenario on the Role for Layer 1 and 2/3 Projections Viewed from Dynamical Systems Theory
Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics(ICCN’09), Hangzhou, China, (Nov. 17, 2009)
Yutaka Yamaguti, Shigeru Kuroda, and Ichiro Tsuda
Representation of Time-series by a Self-similar Set in a Model of Hippocampal CA1
Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics(ICCN’09), Hangzhou, China, (Nov. 17, 2009)
Shigeru Kuroda, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Yutaka Yamaguti, Minoru Tukada, and Ichiro Tsuda
Emergence of Iterated Function Systems in the Hippocampal CA1
Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics(ICCN’09), Hangzhou, China, (Nov. 17, 2009)
I. Tsuda
Chaotic Dynamics, Episodic Memory, and Self-identity
The 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics(ICCN’09), Hangzhou, China, (Nov. 16, 2009)
Yutaka Yamaguti, Shigeru Kuroda, Ichiro Tsuda
Representation of Time-series by a Self-similar Set in a Model of Hippocampal CA1
The 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics , Hangzhou, China, (Nov. 15-19, 2009)
I. Tsuda
Evolution through maps
What is Biological Evolution?, Coop-in-Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, (Oct. 16-17, 2009)
Yutaka Yamaguti
Cantor Coding in a Model of Hippocampus
12th Japan-Slovenia Seminar on Nonlinear Science , Maribor, Slovenia, (Oct. 7-9, 2009)
I. Tsuda
Chaotic dynamics, episodic memory, and the dynamic model for the hippocampus
I. Tsuda
Chaotic dynamics and episodic memory in the brain
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Special Seminar, Hungary, (Sep. 23, 2009)
I. Tsuda
Cantor coding: Theory and experimental verification
Section of Biophysics, Institute for Atomic and Nuclear Physics,Hungarian Academy of Science, Special Lecture, Hungary, (Sep. 22, 2009)
I. Tsuda
Chaotic brain dynamics in the skew product transformations
Section of Biophysics, Institute for Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Hungarian Academy of Science, Special Lecture, Hungaary, (Sep. 21, 2009)
Yutaka Yamaguti, Shigeru Kuroda, Ichiro Tsuda
Cantor Coding in a model of hippocampal CA1
Neuroscience 2009, Nagoya, (Sep. 16-18, 2009)
Yamaguti Y, Kuroda S, Tsuda I
Cantor Ccoding in a model of hippocampal CA1
Neuroscience 2009, Nagoya, (Sep. 16-18, 2009)
Shimaoka, D., Kitajo, K., Kaneko, K., Yamaguchi, Y.
Transient cortical activity during Necker cube perception from local clusters to global synchrony.
Conference on Consciousness and its Measures, Limassol, Cyprus, (Nov. 29- Feb. 1, 2009)
Shimaoka D, Kitajo K, Kaneko K, Yamaguchi Y
Transient Dynamics of EEG Activity during Necker Cube Perception; from clustering to Global Synchronization.
International Symposium on Complex Systems Biology, Tokyo, (Sep. 29- Oct. 1, 2009)
Kurikawa, T., Kaneko, K.
Change in structure of phase space through learning with multiple timescales.
International Symposium on Complex Systems Biology, Tokyo, (Sep. 29- Oct. 1, 2009)
Yoko Yamaguchi
Computational study of memory formation through dynamical interplays in the cortico-hippocampal system
32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuroscience 2009), Nagoya, (Sep. 16-18, 2009)
Yoko Yamaguchi
Path Integration and cognitive map formation in cortico-hippocampal theta networks
RIKEN BSI Symposium on Hippocampus, RIKEN, Wako, (Sep. 14, 2009)
Kondo M, Fukushima Y, Kitajima T, Tukada M, Aihara T
The analysis of interaction among dendritic inputs in Hippocampal CA1 neurons
Neuroscience2009, Cicago, (Oct. 17-21, 2009)
Kondo M, Fukushima Y, Tukada M, Aihara T
The influence of modulating the Back-Propergating Action-Potential on STDP in hippocampal CA1 area
IUPS2009, Kyoto, (Jul. 27- Aug. 1, 2009)
Yamamoto M, Hayamizu N, Matsuda T, Okuda J, Sakagami M
Brain activity for monetary gain and loss prediction based on salient and uncertain perception
Neuroscience2009 (39th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience), Chicago, (Oct. 17-21, 2009)
Yamamoto M, Matsumoto M, Matsuda T, Okuda J, Sakagami M
Brain activity for monetary loss prediction based on ambiguous perception
Neuroscience2009, Nagoya, (Sep. 16-18, 2009)
Yoshida T, Ito M, Morimura T, Samejima K, Okuda J, Yoshimoto J, Doya K
Brain mechanisms for evaluating probabilistic and delayed rewards
Neuroscience2009, Nagoya, (Sep. 16-18, 2009)
Jiro Okuda
Memory and prospection of the brain: What can cognitive brain science suggest to inductive game theory and decision-making?
Logic, Game Theory, and Social Choice 6, Tsukuba, (Aug. 26-29, 2009)
Mizuhara H, Inui T
Is mu rhythm an index of the human mirror neuron system? A study of simultaneous fMRI and EEG
The 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, Hangzhou, China, (Nov. 15-20, 2009)
Kenichi Minoya, Tatsuo Unemi, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
A Constructive Approach to the Evolution of the Planning Ability
13th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Kasuga-city, Fukuoka, Japan, (Feb. 4-5, 2009)
Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
Effects of Learning on Evolution of Communication
ESF-COST High-Level Research Conference, Systems Chemistry II, Lake Balaton, Hungary, (Oct. 18-23, 2009)
Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
Adaptive Walk on Fitness Soundscape
Tenth European Conference on Artificial Life, Budapest, Hungary, (Sep. 13-16, 2009)
Kazuaki Kojima, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
Repeated Reorganizations of Evolutionary Transitions in Individuality according to a Group Covariance Effect
The Workshop at ECAL 2009: Levels of Selection and Individuality in Evolution, Budapest, Hungary, (Sep. 13-16, 2009)
Hiroyuki Okada :Team eR@sers
Team eR@sers 2009 in the @Home League Team Description Paper
RoboCup2009, Graz Austria, (Jun. 29- Jul. 5, 2009)
Murata A, Shein WN, Sakata H
Object-centered position coding for hand manipulation action in the parietal cortex of the monkey
3th International Symposium of Mobiligence, Awaji, Japan, (Nov. 19, 2009)
Murata A, Shein WN, Sakata H
Object-centered position coding for hand manipulation action in the parietal cortex of the monkey
3th International Symposium of Mobiligence, Awaji, Japan, (Nov. 19, 2009)
Murata A, Ishida H, Nakajima K, Inase M
Other's body representation referred to self body in the parietal cortex of the monkey.
NIPS International Workshop for Scientific Study of Consciousness 2009 , Okazaki ,Japan, (Sep. 19, 2009)
Ishikawa T, Sakaguchi Y
Effect of timing of error feedback on prism adaptation in a virtual shooting task
Neuro2009, Nagoya,Japan, (Sep. 18, 2009)
Murata A, Ishida H, Nakajima K, Inase M
Other's body representation referred to self body in the parietal cortex of the monkey
36th International congress of physiological sciences, Kyoto,Japan, (Jul. 28, 2009)