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Ichiro Tsuda
Cantor sets meet the brain
“Chaos in the brain”, Laboratoire ETIS — Equipe NeuroCybernetique — UMR CNRS 8051, Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, Cergy-Pontoise, France, (Nov. 29, 2011)
Hiroshi Fujii, Takashi Kanamaru, Kazuyuki Aihara, Ichiro Tsuda
A New Role for Attentional Corticopetal Acetylcholine in Cortical Memory Dynamics
9th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Halkidiki, Greece, (Sep. 19-25, 2011)
Yutaka Yamaguti, Ichiro Tsuda, Yoichiro Takahashi
Information Theoretic Approach to Dynamical Systems of Heterogeneously Interacting Chaotic Oscillators
9th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Halkidiki, Greece, (Sep. 19-25, 2011)
Hiromichi Tsukada, Yutaka Yamaguti, Hiroshi Fujii, Ichiro Tsuda
Chaotic itinerancy-like memory retrieval in the neural networks of Pinsky-Rinzel type of neurons
The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Sciety, Yokohama Japan, (Sep. 14-17, 2011)
Yutaka Yamaguti, Ichiro Tsuda
Switching of directions of information flows as a model of hetero-interactions in the neocortex
The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Sciety, Yokohama Japan, (Sep. 14-17, 2011)
Ichiro Tsuda, Hunseok Kang
Dynamical analysis on copying-and-identifying process: toward the understanding of mirror-neuron systems
The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Sciety, Yokohama Japan, (Sep. 14-17, 2011)
Ichiro Tsuda
Towards understanding of neural dynamics in communicating brains
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN’11), Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Hiromichi Tsukada, Yutaka Yamaguti, Hiroshi Fujii, Ichiro Tsuda
Transitory memory retrieval in the neural networks composed of Pinsky-Rinzel model neurons.
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN’11), Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Yutaka Yamaguti, Ichiro Tsuda, Yoichiro Takahashi
Spontaneous switching of the direction of information flow
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN’11), Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Hiroshi Fujii, Takashi Kanamaru, Kazuyuki Aihara, Ichiro Tsuda
Attentional Cholinergic Projections May Induce Transitions of Attractor Landscape via Presynaptic Modulations of Connectivity
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN’11), Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan, (Jun. 4- Oct. 4, 2011)
Yasumasa Nishiura
Dynamics of localized patterns in dissipative systems
Conference "Geometric Methods for Infinite - Dimensional Dynamical Systems", Brown University, Providence, RI , USA, (Nov. 4-6, 2011)
Yasumasa Nishiura, Kei-Ichi Ueda, Seiji Takagi, Toshiyuki Nakagaki
Waves in heterogeneous media and theirapplication to adaptive behavior of Physarum plasmodium
Engineering of Chemical Complexity, Berlin, Germany, (Jul. 4-8, 2011)
Yasumasa Nishiura, Takashi Teramoto, Masaaki Yadome
Heterogeneity-induced pulse generators.
ICCN2011( The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics), Hilton Niseko Village, Hokkaido, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Yasumasa Nishiura
Dynamics of spatially localized patterns
Far-From-Equilibrium-Dynamics, Kyoto Japan, (Jan. 4-8, 2011)
Kunihiko Kaneko
Bifurcation-ability' from Itinerant Motion Provides Biological Plasticity: Differentiation from Stem Cells and Neural Memory of Input/Output Relationships
Dynamics Days Europe 2011, Germany, (Sep. 12-16, 2011)
Kunihiko Kaneko
Evolution as a stochastic process
SMBE 2011, Kyoto Japan, (Jul. 26-30, 2011)
Kunihiko Kaneko
Complex Systems Biology: exploring the logic of life through consistency principle
International Conference on Complex Systems 2011, U.S.A, (Jun. 26- Jul. 1, 2011)
Kunihiko Kaneko
Designing plastic and robust systemis through evolution and learning
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, Hokkaido Japan, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Tomoki Kurikawa
"Memories as Bifurcations": A simple model.
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, Hokkaido Japan (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Daisuke Shimaoka
Ongoing global phase pattern and visual signal detection.
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, Hokkaido Japan (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Tsubasa Azumagakito, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
Visualizing Language Evolution as an Emergent Phenomenon based on Biological Evolution and Learning
16th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Beppu, Japan, (Jan. 27-29, 2011)
Takahiro Otani, Takaya Arita
An Implementation of Probabilistic Model-building Coevolutionary Algorithm
16th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Beppu, Japan, (Jan. 27-29, 2011)
Kenichi Minoya, Takaya Arita, Takashi Omori
Autonomous Acquisition of Cooperative Behavior based on a Theory of Mind using Parallel Genetic Network Programming
16th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Beppu, Japan, (Jan. 27-29, 2011)
Kunihiko Kaneko
Itinerant Dynamics in Gene Expression Implies Pluripotency
Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamics, Kyoto, (Jan. 4-8, 2011)
Masashi Kondo, Hiroshi Sasaki, Takeshi Aihara
Spatial dependency of inhibitory components in hippocampal CA1 area: analysis using optical imaging method with voltage-sensitive dye
The 21st Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society, Okinawa, (Dec. 15-17, 2011)
Eriko Sugisaki, Yasuhiko Fukushima, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara
Acetylcholine modulation on STDP in CA1 region of hippocampus
The Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience2011, Washington DC, (Nov. 12-16, 2011)
Yusaku Segawa, Takeshi Aihara, Zhonggang Feng, Siu Kang, Tatsuo Kitajima
Inductive property of the voltage-dependent Ca2+-channels to subthreshold resonance
The Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience2011, Washington DC, (Nov. 12-16, 2011)
Tadanobu Kamijo, Hirofumi Hayakawa, Ayumi Sashi, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Eiki Hida, Takeshi Aihara
Nonlinearity of the input integration of in the dentate Granule cell
The Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience2011, Washington DC, (Nov. 12-16, 2011)
Hirofumi Hayakawa, Tadanobu Kamijo, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Tatsuo Kitajima, Takeshi Aihara
Different information processing depending on the dendritic locations in hippocampal granule cell
The Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience2011, Washington DC, 2011, (Nov. 12-16, 2011)
Yoshinori Ide, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara
Activation of Guinea Pig Auditory Cortex Induced by Foot Shock Alone after Fear Conditioning
The Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience2011, Washington DC, (Nov. 12-16, 2011)
Takeshi Aihara, Tadanobu Kamijo, Hirofumi Hayakawa
Nonlinear information processing of the dentate granule cell in hippocampus
The 26th Symposium on Biological and Physiological Engineering (BPES2011), 滋賀, (Sep. 20-22, 2011)
Yoshinori Ide, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara
Integration of Different Sensory Modalities in the Auditory Cortex Established by Fear Conditioning
The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Sciety, Yokohama, (Sep. 14-17, 2011)
Hirofumi Hayakawa, Tadanobu Kamijo, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Takeshi Aihara
Location dependency of information processing in the dendrite of hippocampal granule cells
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, IBRO2011, Florence, (Jul. 14-18, 2011)
Tadanobu Kamijo, Hirofumi Hayakawa, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Takeshi Aihara
Integration of different inputs in the rat hippocampal dentate gyrus
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, IBRO2011, Florence,, (Jul. 14-18, 2011)
Masashi Kondo, Minoru Tsukada, Hiroshi Sasaki,, Takeshi Aihara
Interaction of dendritic locations on STDP of hippocampal CA1 area using optical imaging
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, IBRO2011, Florence,, (Jul. 14-18, 2011)
Yoshinori Ide, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Guy Sandner, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara
he Influence of Fear Conditioning on Activation of Guinea Pig Auditory Cortex in the Absence of Sound
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience (IBRO2011), Florence, (Jul. 14-18, 2011)
Eriko Sugisaki, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara
Modulation by acetylcholine of STDP in rat hippocampal CA1 network
8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, IBRO2011, Florence, (Jul. 14-18, 2011)
Takeshi Aihara, Eriko Sugisaki, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Minoru Tsukada
Influence of the endogenous acetylcholine on STDP induction
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, ICCN2011, Niseko, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Yoshinori Ide, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara
Integration of Hetero Inputs to Guinea Pig Auditory Cortex Established by Fear Conditioning
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, ICCN2011, Niseko, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Masashi Kondo, Tatuo Kitajima, Takeshi Aihara
Backpropagating action potentials mediate other sites of STDP among hippocampal CA1 neuronal dendrites
The 15th annual meeting of the ASSC satellite A joint Tamagawa University-Caltech Lecture Course, Kyoto, (Jun. 7-8, 2011)
Tadanobu Kamijo, Hirofumi Hayakawa, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Takeshi Aihara
Information processing on the dendrite in hippocampal granule cells
The 15th annual meeting of the ASSC satellite A joint Tamagawa University-Caltech Lecture Course, Kyoto, (Jun. 7-8, 2011)
Maki Suzuki, Jiro Okuda, Aya Ueno, Yoshihiko Matsue, Toshikatsu Fujii
Neural correlates of the retrieval of temporal order information about discontiguous events: Effects of temporal lag
34th Annual Meeting of Japanese Neuroscience Society, Yokohama, (Sep. 14-17, 2011)
Aya Ueno, Jiro Okuda, Toshikatsu Fujii
Reactivation hypothesis in episodic memory: from the findings of neuroimaging studies
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, Niseko, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Aya Ueno, Ayahito Ito, Yuta Koseki, Akiko Hayashi, Etsuro Mori, Yoshihiko Matsue, Toshikatsu Fujii
Distinct brain activations predicting the choice of likes and dislikes
International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, (Feb. 2-5, 2011)
Yuta Koseki, Ayahito Ito, Nobuhito Abe, Aya Ueno, Akiko hayashi, Etsuro Mori, Yulwan Sung, Yoshihiko Matsue, Toshikatsu Fujii
Dissociating areas for novelty detection and for episodic encoding within the human medial temporal lobe
International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, (Feb. 2-5, 2011)
Nobuhito Abe, Toshikatsu Fujii, Maki Suzuki, Aya Ueno, Yayoi Shigemune, Shunji Mugikura, Shoki Takahashi, Etsuro Mori
False recollection and recognition: an event-related fMRI study
International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, (Feb. 2-5, 2011)
Ayahito Ito, Nobuhito Abe, Toshikatsu Fujii, Aya Ueno, Yuta Koseki, Ryusaku Hashimoto, Shunji Mugikura, Shoki Takahashi, Etsuro Mori
The role of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in deception for emotional and neutral events
International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, (Feb. 2-5, 2011)
Akiko Hayashi, Nobuhito Abe, Toshikatsu Fujii, Ayahito Ito, Aya Ueno, Yuta Koseki, Shunji Mugikura, Shoki Takahashi, Etsuro Mori
Neural correlates of moral judgment about anti- and pro-social lying
International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, (Feb. 2-5, 2011)
Aya Ueno, Jiro Okuda, Toshikatsu Fujii
Reactivation hypothesis in episodic memory: from the findings of neuroimaging studies
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, Niseko, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Aya Ueno, Ayahito Ito, Yuta Koseki, Akiko Hayashi, Etsuro Mori, Yoshihiko Matsue, Toshikatsu Fujii
Distinct brain activations predicting the choice of likes and dislikes
International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, (Feb. 2-5, 2011)
Yuta Koseki, Ayahito Ito, Nobuhito Abe, Aya Ueno, Akiko hayashi, Etsuro Mori, Yulwan Sung, Yoshihiko Matsue, Toshikatsu Fujii
Dissociating areas for novelty detection and for episodic encoding within the human medial temporal lobe
International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, (Feb. 2-5, 2011)
Nobuhito Abe, Toshikatsu Fujii, Maki Suzuki, Aya Ueno, Yayoi Shigemune, Shunji Mugikura, Shoki Takahashi, Etsuro Mori
False recollection and recognition: an event-related fMRI study
International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, (Feb. 2-5, 2011)
Ayahito Ito, Nobuhito Abe, Toshikatsu Fujii, Aya Ueno, Yuta Koseki, Ryusaku Hashimoto, Shunji Mugikura, Shoki Takahashi, Etsuro Mori
The role of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in deception for emotional and neutral events
International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, (Feb. 2-5, 2011)
Akiko Hayashi, Nobuhito Abe, Toshikatsu Fujii, Ayahito Ito, Aya Ueno, Yuta Koseki, Shunji Mugikura, Shoki Takahashi, Etsuro Mori
Neural correlates of moral judgment about anti- and pro-social lying
International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, (Feb. 2-5, 2011)
Kenichi Minoya, Takaya Arita, Takashi Omori
An Artificial Life Approach for Investigating the Emergence of a Theory of Mind based on a Functional Model of the Brain
IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, Paris, France, (Apr. 13-15, 2011)
Takeshi Konno, Junya Morita, Takashi Hashimoto
Symbol communication systems integrate implicit information in coordination tasks
3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics 2011, Niseko, Japan, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Takashi Hashimoto
Evolution of symbolic communication and language: Constructive and experimental approaches
Global COE International Symposium "Future Trends in the Biology of Language", Tokyo, (Mar. 9-10, 2011)
Sakaguchi, Y.
Detecting intermittency in arm movement using AR model.
JNNS2011, Okinawa, (Dec. 15-17, 2011)
Asano, T., Izawa, J. and Sakaguchi, Y.
Intermittent update of target representation during manual tracking task.
ICCN2011, Hokkaido, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Sakaguchi, Y.
Intermittent brain motor control observed in continuous tracking task.
ICCN2011, Hokkaido, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Y. Naruse, K.Takiyama;, M. Okada, H. Umehara.
A novel method for estimating instantaneous phase and amplitude of ongoing oscillations and detecting phase modulation.
Neuroscience 2011, Washington,DC, (Nov. 12-16, 2011)
Yutaka Sakaguchi
Intermittent motor control observed in visuo-manual tracking
34th Annual Meeting of Japanese Neuroscience Society, Yokohama, (Sep. 14-17, 2011)
Satoshi Matsushita, Tetsuo Furukawa
Bayesian optimization makes GTM resemble to SOM
The 21st Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society(JNNS2011), Okinawa, Japan, (Dec. 15-17, 2011)
Tetsuo Furukawa, Takashi Ohkubo
What is Required for a Multi-Dynamical System Learning Task?
The 21st Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society(JNNS2011)), Okinawa, Japan, (Dec. 15-17, 2011)
Masahide Nakano, Takashi Ohkubo, Tetsuo Furukawa
Som Canonica: Establishing A Standard Algorithm of Self-Organizing Maps
The 21st Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society(JNNS2011), Okinawa, Japan, (Dec. 15-17, 2011)
Hideki Ishibashi, Keisuke Yoneda, Tetsuo Furukawa
Another-SOM2 for Metrics Map: A Slf-Referable Neural Network
The 21st Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society(JNNS2011), Okinawa, Japan, (Dec. 15-17, 2011)
Tetsuo Furukawa, Takashi Ohkubo, Kazuhiro Tokunaga
Requirements for the Learning of Multiple Dynamics
8th WORKSHOP ON SELF-ORGANIZING MAPS(WSOM2011), Finland, Espoo, (Jun. 14-17, 2011)
Satoshi Matsushita, Takashi Ohkubo, Tetsuo Furukawa
Multi- dynamics learning algorithm based on SOM2
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics(ICCN2011), Hilton Niseko Village, Hokkaido, Japan, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Atsushi Miyazaki, Toshi Nakajima, Keisetsu Shima, Hajime Mushiake
The effect of interrupting a memory-guided sequential motor task on neuronal activity in the dorsal premotor area
Neuro 2011, Yokohama, (Sep. 14-17, 2011)
Atsushi Miyazaki, Toshi Nakajima, Keisetsu Shima, Hajime Mushiake
Neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex during performance of a dual task consisting of a main- and an interrupting-task
The 3rd international conference on cognitive neurodynamics, ニセコ, (Jul. 9-13, 2011)
Toshi Nakajima, Ryosuke Hosaka, Jun Tanji, Hajime Mushiake
Parallel representation of arm- and action-sequence in the supplementary and pre-supplementary motor areas, Sendai, (Jan. 21-23, 2011)
Naoya Saijo, Jun-ichi Shikata, Toru Ishizuka, Yuji Uezawa, Maki Suemitsu, Hajime Mushiake, Kazuhiro Sakamoto
A background correction method for Raman spectra of mixed neurotransmitters: Toward a new label-free imaging technology of brain activity
Neuroscience 2011, Yokohama, (Sep. 14-17, 2011)
Masaya Toyoshima, Yusuke Shibata, Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Naohiro Saito, Jun Tanji, Hajime Mushiake
Neuronal activity in the dorsal premotor cortex during a path-planning task.
Neuroscience 2011, Yokohama, (Sep. 14-17, 2011)
Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Yuichi Katori, Naohiro Saito, Jun Tanji, Kazuyuki Aihara, Hajime Mushiake
The modulation of firing variability can be a measure for dynamical states in neuronal network.
The 1st Tohoku International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Neuroscience, Sendai, (Jan. 21-23, 2011)
Takamasa Tsunoda, Yoshiaki Oda, Toshiaki Omori, Masashi Inoue, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masato Okada, Toru Aonishi
Extended Kalman Filter for Estimation of Dendritic Spatiotemporal Calcium Dynamics
21st Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, (Dec. 15-17, 2011)
Munenori Iida, Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Masato Okada
Nonlinear Effect on Phase Response Curve of Neuron Model
18th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Shanghai, China, (Nov. 14-17, 2011)
Jun Kitazono, Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Masato Okada
Statistical Estimation of Dendritic Membrane Resistance Distribution Using the Line Process
The 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2011), Washington Convention Center, U.S.A., (Nov. 12-16, 2011)
Takamasa Tsunoda, Toru Aonishi, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masashi Inoue, Masato Okada, Toshiaki Omori, Yoshiaki Oda
Estimation of Dendritic Spatiotemporal Calcium Dynamics by Nonlinear State Space Modeling
International Conference on Modeling and Simulation Technology, Tokai University Takanawa Campus, Tokyo, Japan, (Oct. 22-23, 2011)
Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Masato Okada
Statistical Estimation of Non-Uniform Distribution of Dendritic Membrane Properties
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, Hilton Niseko Village, Hokkaido, Japan, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Jun Kitazono, Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Masato Okada
Estimating the Distribution of the Dendritic Membrane Resistance with the Line Process
Japan-Germany Joint Workshop on Computational Neuroscience, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, (Mar. 2-5, 2011)
Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Masato Okada
Switch of Encoding Characteristics in Single Neurons by Subthreshold and Suprathreshold Stimuli
Japan-Germany Joint Workshop on Computational Neuroscience, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, (Mar. 2-5, 2011)
Yu Arai , Ryota Mori, Fuyuki Aoto and Shigetoshi Nara
Heuristic Model of Intra-Brain
International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Halkidiki/Greece, (Sep. 19-25, 2011)
Song-induced expression pattern of Arc mRNA in brain of female zebra finch
NEUROSCIENCE 2011, Washington (USA), (Nov. 12-16, 2011)
Fumihiko Takayama, Yosuke Maruyama, Kohji Hotta, Kotaro Oka
Optical imaging of Neuronal Activity during Song Recognition in Female Zebra finch
ICCN2011 initial Abstract submission, Niceko(Japan), (Jun. 9-12, 2011)
Andreas Schertel, Yoshiyuki Kubota
Following the path of microtubules in bifurcated dendrites:
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2011, Nashville, TN, USA, (Aug. 7-11, 2011)
Yoshiyuki Kubota, Fuyuki Karube, Masaki Nomura, Allan T. Gulledge, Atsushi Mochizuki, Yasuo Kawaguchi
Dendritic dimensions and signal conduction properties of cortical nonpyramidal cells
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, Hokkaido Japan, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Yasuhiro Fukushima, Yoshikazu Isomura, Yutaka Yamaguti, Shigeru Kuroda, Ichiro Tsuda, and Minoru Tsukada
Inhibitory network dependency in Cantor coding
The 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN’11), Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan, (Jun. 9-11, 2011)
Amita Hidetoshi, Matsushima Toshiya
Competitive foraging context nullifies the neural representation of anticipated/gained rewards in nucleus accumbens and medial striatum of the domestic chick.
Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA, (Nov. 12-16, 2011)
Tadashi Ogawa
Prefrontal activity during trial-and-error knowledge updating
Symposium on Neural Dynamics and Plasticity at Kyoto, Kyoto, (Jan. 11-12, 2012)
Tadashi Ogawa
Attention and target selection for saccade in macaque posterior parietal cortex - Non-spatial vs. spatial target selection -
The 15th annual meeting of the ASSC, Satellite Symposium, Neurophysiology of Attention and Awareness, Kyoto, (Jun. 13, 2011)
Tadashi Ogawa
Neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex during the course of updating knowledge for problem solution, Sendai, (Jan. 21-23, 2011)
Kenji Matsumoto, Kou Murayama, Madoka Matsumoto, Keise Izuma
Neural correlates of the undermining effect of monetary reward on intrinsic motivation
ASSC15, Kyoto, (Jun. 9-12, 2011)
Madoka Matsumoto, Kou Murayama, Keise Izuma, Andrew J. Elliot, Kenji Matsumoto
Neural Basis of Setting Self- and Other-Standard Goals
ASSC15 Social Neuroscience Satellite, Kyoto, (Jun. 7-8, 2011)
Midori Osada, Tetsu Okumura
Context-dependent call variation in the male Bengalese finch
Context-dependent call variation in the male Bengalese finch, Niseko, Hokkaido, (Jun. 9-13, 2011)
Tetsunari Inamura, Keisuke Okuno
Robotic Motion Coach: Effect of Motion Emphasis and Verbal Expression for Imitation Learning
3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, Niseko, Japan, (Jun. 10-12, 2011)
Tetsunari Inamura
Behavior Recognition and Demonstration for Human-Robot Cooperation
Dagstuhl Seminar on Plan Recognition (No.11141), Dagstuhl, (Apr. 4-8, 2011)