Ichiro Tsuda (Hokkaido University) Jan Lauwereyns (Kyushu University)
Call for Session Proposals CLOSED
Proposals for organizing special sessions are welcomed and encouraged by Nov. 1, 2010, in which the names and affiliations of the organizers, topic, and suggested speakers should be indicated. Papers suggested by the organizer must submitted on the same schedule with usual submission, and are also reviewed as usual.
Proposals for organizing the coming ICCN are welcomed and encouraged, in which the names and affiliations of the organizers, dates and venue should be indicated. Strong points and what the organizers can provide should also be indicated. All the financial problems should be solved and dealt with by the organizers. Proposals should also be e-mailed to: iccn2011chair@brain.riken.jp
The final decision will be voted by the Editorial Board of “Cognitive Neurodynamics” and announced at the conference ICCN2011.