The paper submission system CRS has been closed.
For post-conference proceedings manuscript submission, please check "post-conference information" and "2. Manuscript Submission Guidelines" below in this page as well. |
Paper Submission |
Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts written in English. The submission of a paper implies that the paper is original and has not been submitted elsewhere for possible publication. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. Each paper must include an abstract and a manuscript. The abstract is reviewed to appear in the conference program. The manuscript is to appear in post-conference proceedings, if accepted. |
Submission Procedure |
The following procedure is used for submission of abstract and proceeding. Please perform the actions designated for authors: |
Step |
Author's Action |
Deadline |
Decision Notification and Publication |
1 |
Initial Abstract Submission |
Feburary 5, 2011 |
March 10, 2011 (Decision notification) |
2 |
Final Abstract and Initial Manuscript Submission |
Apr. 20, 2011 April 28, 2011 |
May 20, 2011 the middle of July 2011 (Manuscript reviewing notification) |
3 |
Final Manuscript Submission |
Jun 30, 2011 Sep. 12, 2011 |
May 31, 2012 (Publication) |
1. Abstract Submission Guidelines |
The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper. It should state Introduction, Method/Model, Results, Conclusions/Discussions and References. |
Page Limit and Formatting |
It should be one ISO A4 page (210 x 297mm, single spaced, double column) in 10-point Times New Roman and should be inset 2.0 cm from margins on all edges. Title should be 14-point Bold Times New Roman. There should be two blank (10-point) lines before the abstract. This following sample file for Microsoft Word users and LaTeX users may be used as a template: |
PDF: sample_ICCN2011abst.pdf
LaTeX (UTF-8) : (updated; 27 Jan, 2011)
MicroSoft Word : sample_ICCN2011abst.doc
LaTex template is expected to be available under Mac/Win/Linux. If you can not compile the template file in your PC environment, please try to use WORD template or to use your own class file under the above guideline. PDF file is primarily important for us as camera-ready content.
Submission Format |
All abstracts must be submitted electrically using the web-based submission, where the abstract must be converted to Adobe PDF. The PDF file should contain the necessary font information. It should not contain any 16-bit font both in the text and figures.
In the final abstract submission, source files (MS Word file or Zipped files including a Tex file and all figures) must be submitted togethwer with your pdf file. Kindly name your pdf file Pxxxx.pdf where Pxxxx is your paper ID. If you encounter problems at any point in the abstract submission process, please contact the ICCN2011 Help Desk by sending e-mail to
2. Manuscript Submission Guidelines |
If your abstract is accepted, a 4-page manuscript for post-conference proceedings must be submitted together with your final abstract. The manuscript is peer-reviewed by experts. The manuscript must be revised according to reviewers' comments and discussions during the conference. The final manuscript must be submitted after the conference and it will be published by Springer. |
Page Limit and Formatting |
It should be four ISO A4 pages (210 x 297 mm, 10-point, line space of 13-point, double column) and should be inset 25mm from margins on left and right edges, 45mm from margin of top edge and 35mm form margin of bottom margin. Figure width should be 161mm (for single column) or 72mm (for double column). Publisher will arrange your manuscript for publication, therefore you DO NOT need to use much time to arrange your manuscript. To estimate size of your manuscript, you can use following sample files: |
PDF: sample_ICCN2011proc.pdf
LaTeX (UTF-8) : (updated; 25 Apr, 2011)
MicroSoft Word : sample_ICCN2011proc.doc
LaTex template is expected to be available under Mac/Win/Linux. If you can not compile the template file in your PC environment, please try to use WORD template or to use your own class file under the above guideline. PDF file is primarily important for us as camera-ready content.
Submission Format |
All manuscripts must be submitted electrically using the web-based submission. The manuscripts can be prepared in either Word or LaTeX with embedded figures. In addition to the source file, always include a pdf of the entire chapter for Springer to check the proper position of the figures. Figures can be sent separately as EPS (vector images) or TIFF(half-tones). If figures are sent separately, please make sure file names are identifiable with the rest of the article. E.g.:
Author _fig1.1.eps
Author _fig1.2.eps
Author _fig2.tiff
Publication of the Proceedings |
Proceedings will be published by Springer Science + Business Media B.V.
Furthermore, a selected number of authors will be invited to expand and revise their papers for possible inclusions in "Cognitive Neurodynamics", a peer-reviewed international journal published by Springer. |
Student/Young Researcher Travel Awards |
The Board funds Conference Travel Awards on a competitive basis to assist students and young researchers to present papers/posters at this conference Applicants must be the first or presenting author in the paper submission.
Each applicant must be supported by a letter by his/her principal supervisor. The recommendation letter must be sent until Feb 10, 2011, See details in the registration page of this website.
Successful applicants can be exempt from the registration fee and accommodation fee through the conference period. |
Research Awards |
The best paper award is to be selected by the program committee from all papers in this conference.
The best poster award is to be selected by all participants and the program committee on the site from all posters.
Young researcher competition awards are to be selected by the program committee from all participants of young researcher competition. |