A01G1 | A01G2 | A01G3 | |
B01G1 | B01G2 | B01G3 | B01G4 |
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A01公募班 | B01公募班 | C01公募班 |
I. Tsuda
Mathematical modeling of the formation of episodic memory and its application to the dyamic functions in interacting brains
2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Application (NOLTA2012), Palma, Majorca, Spain, (Oct. 22-26, 2012)
Toshi Nakajima, Ryosuke Hosaka, Ichiro Tsuda, Jun Tanji, Hajime Mushiake
Modular representation of multiple motor sequences based on action and effector use in the medial motor areas
Neuroscience 2012, New Orleans, (Oct. 13-17, 2012)
Cantor coding of the hippocampus in interacting brains
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN2012), Lausanne, Switzerland, (Sep. 11-14, 2012)
Yongtao Li, Ichiro Tsuda
Deliberation or Rapid Decision: Some Implication from Modeling Temporal Interaction between D1-like and D2-like receptors
Dynamic Brain Forum (DBF), Carmona, Seville, Spain, (Sep. 3-6, 2012)
H. Tsukada, H. Fujii, I. Tsuda, K. Aihara
Why People See Things That Are Not There? -A Neurodynamical Account with a Conceptual Model
Dynamic Brain Forum (DBF), Carmona, Seville, Spain, (Sep. 3-6, 2012)
I. Tsuda
Chaotic itinerancy in dynamically coupled brains
Dynamic Brain Forum (DBF), Carmona, Seville, Spain, (Sep. 3-6, 2012)
Yutaka Yamaguti, Ichiro Tsuda, Yoichiro Takahashi
Intermittent switching of information flow in coupled chaotic oscillators
Dynamic Brain Forum (DBF), Carmona, Seville, Spain, (Sep. 3-6, 2012)
Hiromichi Tsukada, Yutaka Yamaguti, Hiroshi Fujii, Ichiro Tsuda
The dynamics of memory retrieval in the neural networks of Pinsky-Rinzel type of neurons
The 5th Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences And Applications, Shanghai & Yangtze Cruise, China, (Jun. 27- Jul. 3, 2012)
Yutaka Yamaguti, Ichiro Tsuda, Yoichiro Takahashi
Intermittent switching of phase differences in coupled chaotic oscillators and coupled circle maps
The 5th Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences And Applications, Shanghai & Yangtze Cruise, China, (Jun. 27- Jul. 3, 2012)
Cantor sets meet the brain
The 5th Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences And Applications, Shanghai & Yangtze Cruise, China, (Jun. 27- Jul. 3, 2012)
Yongtao Li, Ichiro Tsuda
A Communication Model Based on Novelty-induced Learning
The 5th Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences And Applications, Shanghai & Yangtze Cruise, China, (Jun. 27- Jul. 3, 2012)
Ten Hierarchies of Mathematical Modeling on Neural Dynamics
West-Lake Workshop on Computing Neuroscience, Zhejiang University, China, (Jun. 25, 2012)
山口裕, 津田一郎, 高橋陽一郎
日本物理学会 第67回年次大会, 関西学院大学 西宮上ケ原キャンパス(兵庫県), (Mar. 24-27, 2012)
Ichiro Tsuda
Communicating brains: the origin of mind
Dynamics of Complex Systems 2012, Hokkaido University, Japan, (Mar. 6-8, 2012)
Yasumasa Nishiura, Masaaki Yadome, Takashi Teramoto
Heterogeneity-induced pulse generators
Dynamics of Patterns, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, (Dec. 16-22, 2012)
Yasumasa Nishiura, Masaaki Yadome, Takashi Teramoto
Heterogeneity-induced pulse generators
2012 International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, Meiji University, (Nov. 6-9, 2012)
Yasumasa Nishiura, Masaaki Yadome, Takashi Teramoto
Pulse generators as a converter from time-periodic motion to spatially periodic structure
Dynamical Systems in Studies of Partial Differential Equations, University of Minnesota, (Sep. 24-28, 2012)
Masaaki Yadome, Yasumasa Nishiura, Takashi Teramoto
Onset of heterogeneity-induced pulse generators in a three-component reaction diffusion system
Turing Symposium on Morphogenesis -Mathematical Approaches Sixty Years after Alan Turing-, Sendai International Center, (Aug. 27-31, 2012)
Yasumasa Nishiura, Masaaki Yadome, Takashi Teramoto
Heterogeneity-induced pulse generators
Turing Symposium on Morphogenesis -Mathematical Approaches Sixty Years after Alan Turing-, Sendai International Center, (Aug. 27-31, 2012)
Kunihiko Kaneko
Characterization of Stem Cells and Cancer Cells on the Basis of Gene Expression Profile Stability and Dynamics
CDB Symposium"Quantitative Developmental Biology", 神戸, (Mar. 26-28, 2012)
Yusuke Goto
Simple Gene Networks Models Show Cell Differentiation Behavior
CDB Symposium"Quantitative Developmental Biology", 神戸, (Mar. 26-28, 2012)
Akira Konosu
Evolutionary Process Maintaining the Robustness in Development Conserves the Middle Stage in Development
CDB Symposium"Quantitative Developmental Biology", 神戸, (Mar. 26-28, 2012)
Takahiro Kohsokabe
Evolution of Pattern Formation
CDB Symposium"Quantitative Developmental Biology", 神戸, (Mar. 26-28, 2012)
第67回 日本物理学会年会, 神戸, (Mar. 24-27, 2012)
第67回 日本物理学会年会, 神戸, (Mar. 24-27, 2012)
後藤佑介, 金子邦彦
第67回 日本物理学会年会, 神戸, (Mar. 24-27, 2012)
香曽我部隆裕, 金子邦彦
第67回 日本物理学会年会, 神戸, (Mar. 24-27, 2012)
第67回 日本物理学会年会, 神戸, (Mar. 24-27, 2012)
鴻巣暁, 金子邦彦
第67回 日本物理学会年会, 神戸, (Mar. 24-27, 2012)
Kunihiko Kaneko
Representation of biological plasticity in terms of dynamical systems
International Workshop on Anomalous Statistics, Generalized Entropies, and Information Geometry, 奈良, (Mar. 6-10, 2012)
Kunihiko Kaneko
Evolution of Robustness formulated in terms of Phenotypic Variances
Workshop 3: Robustness in Biological Systems, 米国, (Feb. 6-10, 2012)
Masahiro Kawasaki, Yuji Mizuno, Keiichi Kitajo
Manipulative evaluation of alpha bottom-up networks in the resting-state by combined TMS-EEG.
International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR) 2012, Toledo, Spain, (Nov. 14-16, 2012)
Yuji Mizuno, Masahiro Kawasaki, Keiichi Kitajo
Individual evaluation of interhemispheric neural synchrony mediating perceptual bias in apparent motion perception - A TMS-EEG study and applications in rehabilitation -.
International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR) 2012, Toledo, Spain, (Nov. 14-16, 2012)
Masahiro Kawasaki, Yuji Mizuno, Keiichi Kitajo
Directional flow of TMS-induced phase perturbation across low frequency neural synchrony networks in the resting state.
The 42nd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, (Oct. 13-17, 2012)
Yinjie Cheng, Masahiro Kawasaki, Keiichi Kitajo, Yoko Yamaguchi
Temporal coordination as the formation of an attractor in a two-person alternate tapping task.
The 42nd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, (Oct. 13-17, 2012)
Yuji Mizuno, Masahiro Kawasaki, Keiichi Kitajo
Individual differences in inter-hemispheric neural synchrony and apparent motion perception in humans.
The 42nd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, USA, (Oct. 13-17, 2012)
Florence I. Kleberg, Keiichi Kitajo, Masahiro Kawasaki, Yoko Yamaguchi
Slow and fast oscillations dissociate between encoding of familiarity and recollection.
The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Nagoya, Japan, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
Masahiro Kawasaki, Yuji Mizuno, Keiichi Kitajo
Resting-state brain oscillatory networks revealed by TMS-induced EEG phase perturbation.
第27回生体生理工学シンポジウム, 札幌, (Sep. 19-21, 2012)
Yinjie Cheng, Masahiro Kawasaki, Keiichi Kitajo, Yoko Yamaguchi
Temporal coordination in two-person alternate tapping tasks: Difference between human-human and human-computer trials.
The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Nagoya, Japan, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
Masahiro Kawasaki, Keiichi Kitajo
Dynamic coordination of human EEG oscillations for working memory manipulation revealed by single-shot TMS.
8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Barcelona, Spain, (Sep. 14-18, 2012)
川崎 真弘, 北城 圭一, 山口 陽子
電子情報通信学会ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会(HCS), 立命館大学,京都, (Aug. 18, 2012)
川崎 真弘, 北城 圭一, 山口 陽子
Inter-brain synchronization for behavioral synchronization in an alternate tapping task.
2012年度包括型脳科学研究推進支援ネットワーク, 夏のワークショップ, 仙台, (Jul. 24-27, 2012)
水野 佑治, 川崎 真弘, 北城 圭一
2012年度包括型脳科学研究推進支援ネットワーク, 夏のワークショップ, 仙台, (Jul. 24-27, 2012)
Keiichi Kitajo, Tadashi Kitahara, Yumi Nakagawa, Masahiro Kawasaki
Frequency-specific directed information flow in the human brain - A TMS-EEG manipulative approach -.
8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Barcelona, Spain, (Jul. 14-18, 2012)
Keiichi Kitajo
Manipulation and control of neural synchrony by TMS.
6th Motor Control Workshop (MC2012), Okazaki, Japan, (Jun. 21-23, 2012)
Keiichi Kitajo, Tadashi Kitahara, Yumi Nakagawa
State-dependent directed information flow across synchrony networks in the human brain.
The 18th Annual Meeting of Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China, (Jun. 10-14, 2012)
川崎 真弘, 北城 圭一
TMS によるワーキングメモリ操作時の前頭-感覚野の位相同期の変化.
日本認知心理学会第10回大会, 岡山, (Jun. 2-3, 2012)
Masahiro Kawasaki, Keiichi Kitajo, Yoko Yamaguchi
Synchronized EEG oscillations from 2 individuals during synchronized alternate tapping.
Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2012 Annual meeting, Chicago, USA, (Mar. 31- Apr. 3, 2012)
北城 圭一
第三回神経ダイナミクス研究会, 函館, (Mar. 21-22, 2012)
程 殷杰, 川崎 真弘, 北城 圭一, 山口 陽子
二人交互タッピングにおける協調リズムの生成 ~ 位相応答曲線モデルを用いた解析 ~.
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 東京, (Mar. 13-15, 2012)
北城 圭一
研究集会「非線形現象の解析・モデル化・制御」, 鹿児島, (Mar. 4-6, 2012)
Toshikazu Samura, Yasuomi Daishin Sato, Yuji Ikegaya, Hatsuo Hayashi, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara
Diverse background activities hidden in power-law spontaneous activity of hippocampal CA3 slice culture
The 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and the 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, Kobe, (Nov. 20-24, 2012)
Tadanobu Kamijo, Ichiro Tsuda, Yutaka Yamaguti, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara
Cantor coding for a spatio-temporal input sequence in the CA1
The Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience2012, New Orleans, (Oct. 13-17, 2012)
Masashi Kondo, Tasuo Kitajima, Satoshi Fujii, Makoto Nishiyama, Takeshi Aihara
Location-dependent influence of feed-forward and feed-back inhibitions in hippocampal CA1 neurons: Analysis using optical imaging method with voltage-sensitive dyes
The Society for Neuroscience, Neuroscience2012, New Orleans, (Oct. 13-17, 2012)
Yoshiya Yamaguchi, Yutaka Sakai
A theoretical approach to animal's impulsive preference - Impulsive choice behavior is interpreted as a result of reward-maximization failure
SCIS-ISIS2012, Kobe, Japan, (Nov. 20-24, 2012)
Yoshiya Yamaguchi, Yutaka Sakai
Impulsive preference emerges as a result from reward-maximization failure
Neuroscience 2012, Nagoya, Japan, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
佐村俊和, 杉崎えり子, 酒井裕, 林初男, 相原威
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 北九州, (Oct. 5, 2012)
近藤将史, 相原威
海馬CA1野ニューロンにおけるfeed-forward/feed-back shunting効果の時空間的解析
第35回 日本神経科学大会, Nagoya, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
上條中庸, 早川博章, 福島康弘, 窪田芳之, 礒村宜和, 相原威
日本神経回路学会 第22回全国大会, Nagoya, (Sep. 12-14, 2012)
佐村俊和, 酒井裕, 林初男, 相原威
日本神経回路学会 第22回全国大会, Nagoya, (Sep. 12-14, 2012)
近藤将史, 相原威
日本神経回路学会 第22回全国大会, Nagoya, (Sep. 12-14, 2012)
早川博章, 上條中庸, 佐村俊和, 相原威
日本神経回路学会 第22回全国大会, Nagoya, (Sep. 12-14, 2012)
早川博章, 上條中庸, 佐村俊和, 相原威
包括型脳科学研究推進支援ネットワーク 夏のワークショップ, 仙台, (Jul. 24-27, 2012)
近藤将史, 相原威
包括型脳科学研究推進支援ネットワーク 夏のワークショップ, 仙台, (Jul. 24-27, 2012)
上條中庸, 海江田岳, 早川博章, 福島康弘, 相原威
第89回日本生理学会大会, 長野, (Mar. 29-31, 2012)
上條 中庸, 海江田 岳, 早川 博章, 福島 康弘, 窪田 芳之, 相原 威
Non-linearities in the rat hippocampus dentate granule cell
第89回 日本生理学会大会, 松本, (Mar. 29-31, 2012)
武石 歴名, 近藤 将史, 佐々木 寛, 相原 威
電子情報通信学会 総合大会2012, 岡山, (Mar. 20-23, 2012)
上條 中庸, 早川 博章, 福島 康弘, 相原 威
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 町田, (Mar. 14-16, 2012)
左氏 歩, 早川 博章, 武石 歴名, 相原 威, 佐々木 寛
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 東京, (Mar. 14-16, 2012)
近藤 将史, 佐々木 寛, 相原 威
Regulations of dendritic menbrane potential dynamics by feed-forward/ feed-back inhibitory inputs: spatio-temporal analysis using voltage-sensitive imaging method
第12回 冬のワークショップ『脳と心のメカニズム』, ルスツ, (Jan. 16-18, 2012)
Maki Suzuki, Jiro Okuda, Aya Ueno, Yoshihiko Matsue, Toshikatsu Fujii
Neural correlates of the retrieval of temporal order memory
42nd Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2012), New Orleans, USA, (Oct. 17, 2012)
Jiro Okuda, Maki Suzuki, Takashi Hashimoto, Takeshi Konno, Junya Morita
Experimental approaches to mechanisms of memory-guided future planning
Dynamic Brain Forum 2012, Carmona, Spain, (Sep. 3-6, 2012)
藤井 俊勝
高次脳機能障害について -前頭葉障害を中心に-
気仙沼市保健・医療・福祉系職員スキルアップ研修会, 気仙沼, 宮城, (May 19, 2012)
Maki Suzuki, Jiro Okuda, Toshikatsu Fujii
Hippocampal activity during recollection of different contextual information: an fMRI study
10th Tsukuba International Conference on Memory, Tokyo, Japan, (Mar. 4-6, 2012)
鹿内 学, 水原 啓暁
fMRI 脳活動解析における統計的因果推論の適用
第15回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2012), 東京, (Nov. 8, 2012)
鹿内 学, 水原 啓暁
日本神経科学大会, 名古屋, (Sep. 19, 2012)
Hiroaki Mizuhara, Suguru Inoue, Takafumi Sasaoka, Manabu Shikauchi
Boosting the intelligibility of vocal communication via inter-individual entrainment of neuronal oscillations.
Dynamic Brain Forum 2012, Spain, (Sep. 3-6, 2012)
水原 啓暁, 井上 卓, 笹岡 貴史, 鹿内 学
日本認知心理学会, 岡山, (Jun. 2-3, 2012)
脳波階層カップリングによる 音声言語コミュニケーション促進原理
第3回神経ダイナミクス研究会, 公立はこだて未来大学・北海道, (Mar. 21, 2012)
鹿内 学, 水原 啓暁
他者の状態によって変調する脳の報酬系: fMRI 研究
第10回 日本認知心理学会, 岡山, (May 15, 2012)
鹿内学, 水原啓暁
他者の協調性によっておこる脳の報酬系の変調: fMRI研究
電子情報通信学会 ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 玉川大学・東京, (Mar. 14-16, 2012)
Naho Konoike, Yuka Kotozaki, Shigehiro Miyachi, Carlos Makoto Miyauchi, Yukihito Yomogida, Yoritaka Akimoto, Koji Kuraoka, Motoaki Sugiura, Ryuta Kawashima, Katsuki Nakamura
Neural substrates for maintenance of rhythm information
第35回日本神経科学大会, Nagoya, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
Takuro Kojima, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
Coevolution of Cooperation and Niche Construction Based on Modifications of Physical Structures of Interactions
6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, and the 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems 2012, Kobe, Japan, (Nov. 20-24, 2012)
Solvi Arnold, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
Second Order Learning and the Evolution of Mental Representation
13th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (ALIFE XIII), Lansing, USA, (Jul. 19-22, 2012)
Keita Nishimoto, Ivan Tanev, Katsunori Shimohara, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
Coevolutionary Dynamics between Roles and Social Sensitivity in an Extended Minority Game
13th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (ALIFE XIII), Lansing, USA, (Jul. 19-22, 2012)
Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
Reconsidering Language Evolution from Coevolution of Learning and Niche Construction using a Concept of Dynamic Fitness Landscape
Five Approaches to Language Evolution (Evolang IX Workshop), Kyoto, Japan, (Mar. 13, 2012)
Tsubasa Azumagakito, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
A Simple Integrated Framework for Investigating Genetic and Cultural Evolution of Language
9th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang IX), Kyoto, Japan, (Mar. 13-16, 2012)
Solvi Fylgja Arnold, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
Modelling Mental Representation as Evolved Second Order Learning
17th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, (Jan. 19-21, 2012)
Kazuaki Kojima, Takaya Arita
How Do Equity Norms Evolve? - An Evolutionary Game Theory Approach to Distributive Justice
17th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, (Jan. 19-21, 2012)
橋本 敬
日本認知科学会第29回大会, 仙台国際センター, (Dec. 15, 2012)
田村 香織, 橋本 敬
日本人間行動進化学会 第5回大会, 東京大学駒場キャンパス, (Dec. 2, 2012)
Takuma Torii, Takashi Hashimoto
Blending defined on difference, and an implementation using dynamical approach
The 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems / The 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, Kobe International Conference Center, Japan, (Nov. 20-24, 2012)
橋本 敬
サービス・オートポイエーシス・システム- 生成的コミュニケーションに基づいたサービスの複雑システム論へ向けて
JAISTサービス・イノベーションシンポジウム2012, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 東京サテライト, (Oct. 8, 2012)
Takashi Hashimoto, Takeshi Konno, Junya Morita
Co-creation process of symbolic communication systems: Cognitive experiments and constructive studies
Dynamic Brain Forum 2012, Carmona, Spain, (Sep. 4-6, 2013)
Guanhong Li, Takashi Hashimoto
Investigate the Neural Mechanism of the Emergence of Symbolic Communication System
第18回創発システムシンポジウム 創発夏の学校2012, 滋賀県大津市北小松 同志社リトリートセンター, (Sep. 1-3, 2012)
橋本 敬
日本進化学会第14回大会, 首都大学東京, (Aug. 21, 2012)
Guanhong Li, Takashi Hashimoto
Size Effect During Emergence of Symbolic Communication System Revealed by Agent-based Modelling
The 34th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sapporo Convention Center, Japan, (Aug. 4, 2012)
Takeshi Konno, Junya Morita, Takashi Hashimoto
Three co-creation stages in formation of symbol communication systems
The 34th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sapporo Convention Center, Japan, (Aug. 3, 2012)
Kaori Tamura, Takashi Hashimoto
Understanding displacement of communication by graphical communication tasks
The 34th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Sapporo Convention Center, Japan, (Aug. 2, 2012)
Junya Morita, Takeshi Konno, Takashi Hashimoto
The Role of Imitation in Generating a Shared Communication System
the 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci2012), Sapporo, Japan, (Aug. 1-4, 2012)
Takashi Hashimoto
Integrative study on co-creation of symbolic communication systems
2012年度 包括脳ネットワーク夏のワークショップ,伝達創成機構・予測と意思決定 合同シンポジウム「Interactive brain dynamics for decision making and communication 意思決定とコミュニケーションの脳ダイナミクスと相互作用」, 仙台国際センター, (Jul. 27, 2012)
Takashi Hashimoto
ラウンドテーブル「記号を用いたコミュニケーションを実現するために何が必要か?―記号創発ロボティクスの視点から―」:記号を用いたコミュニケーションを実現するために,さらに何が必要か?~Beyond Symbol Grounding
日本赤ちゃん学会 第12回学術集会, 玉川大学, (Jun. 2, 2012)
Takuma Torii, Takashi Hashimoto
Differentiation through symbolic communication
3rd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics 2011, Niseko, Japan, (Apr. 27, 2012)
Takashi Hashimoto
Constructive and Experimental Studies on the Evolution of Language and Communication
Cognitive Science Spring Seminars, University of Malta, (Mar. 26-29, 2012)
Takashi Hashimoto
Integrative Approach to Dynamic Feature of Symbolic Communication System
EvolangIX Workshop: Constructive Approaches to Language Evolution, Campus Plaza Kyoto, Japan, (Mar. 13, 2012)
Takeshi Konno, Junya Morita, Takashi Hashimoto
How is pragmatic grounding formed in the symbolic communication systems?
The 9th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Campus Plaza Kyoto, Japan, (Mar. 13-16, 2012)
Kaori Tamura, Takashi Hashimoto
Displacement in communication
The 9th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Campus Plaza Kyoto, Japan, (Mar. 13-16, 2012)
Takeshi Konno, Junya Morita, Takashi Hashimoto
How is pragmatic grounding formed in the symbolic communication systems?
The 9th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Kyoto, Japan, (Mar. 13-16, 2012)
Takashi Hashimoto
Integrative Approach to Dynamic Feature of Symbolic Communication System
EvolangIX Workshop: Constructive Approaches to Language Evolution, Kyoto, Japan, (Mar. 13, 2012)
村田 哲
「神経ダイナミクスから社会的相互作用へ至る過程の理解と構築による構成的発達科学」研究会, 大阪, (Dec. 21, 2012)
Shiga, K., and Sakaguchi, Y.
Relationship between the alpha-band EEG waves observed at frontal, parietal and occipital scalps.
BPES2011, Kusatsu, (Sep. 20-22, 2012)
Yasuyuki Inoue, Yutaka Sakaguchi
Mechanism of body operation in Japanese classical martial arts: Motion analysis of quiet standing and walking
the 27th Symposium on Biological and Physiological Engineering (BPES2012), Sapporo, Hokkaido, (Sep. 19-21, 2012)
Tomohiro Nabe, Eizo Miyashita
Estimation of via-points during a monkey free drawing of a circle like closed curve
The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Nagoya, Aichi, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
村田 哲
第36回日本神経心理学会 シンポジウム「手と脳」, 東京, (Sep. 14, 2014)
Yutaka Sakaguchi, Yasuyuki Inoue
Temporal relationship between eye and hand movements during visuo-manual tracking task
Dynamic Brain Forum (DBF2012), Carmona, Spain, (Sep. 3-6, 2012)
Maeda K, Murata A
Neural activity in area AIP/PFG related to visual feedback during hand manipulation
Mirror neuronsNew frontiers 20 years after their discovery, Italy, (Aug. 31- Sep. 6, 2012)
Yasushi Naruse, Ken Takiyama, Masato Okada, Hiroaki Umehara
A novel method for detection of phase shift of alpha rhythm in single trial
18th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Paris, France, (Aug. 26-30, 2012)
成瀬 康
知能化医療システム研究会, 岡山県笠岡市, (Jul. 21, 2012)
成瀬 康
第49回人工知能学会 分子生物情報研究会, Kobe, Hyogo, (Jul. 13, 2012)
Murata A, Maeda K, Naito E
Body schema as a link between motor control and cognitive function
ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, Kobe, Japan, (Jul. 1-4, 2012)
Ota J, Asama H, Takakusaki K, Murara A, Kond T
The concept of mobiligence and its future
ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, Kobe, (Jul. 1-4, 2012)
井上 康之, 阪口 豊
第5回モーターコントロール研究会, Okazaki、Aichi, (Jun. 21-23, 2012)
鍋 知宏, 宮下 英三
第6回Motor Control研究会, Okazaki, Aichi, (Jun. 21-23, 2012)
村田 哲
音声研究会聴覚研究会共催研究会, 厚木, (Jun. 15, 2012)
成瀬 康, 瀧山 健, 岡田 真人, 梅原 広明
第27回日本生体磁気学会大会, Tokyo, (May 31- Jun. 1, 2012)
村田 哲
身体性とミラーニュー ロン
第23回四国作業療法学会, 高知, (May 20, 2012)
Yasuyuki Inoue, Yutaka Sakaguchi
Intermittency in visual information acquisition in continuous tracking task
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neural Control Movement (NCM), #1-F-43, 2012., Venice, Italy, (Apr. 22-29, 2012)
村田哲,Win Nyi Shein, 酒田英夫
頭頂連合野における操作対象の物体内相 対的位置表現
第89回日本生理学会大会, 松本市, (Mar. 29-31, 2012)
宮下 英三
第89回日本生理学会大会, 長野, (Mar. 29-31, 2012)
志賀 一雅,阪口 豊
電子情報通信学会ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 町田市, (Mar. 14-16, 2012)
井上 康之,阪口 豊
電子情報通信学会ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 町田市, (Mar. 14-16, 2012)
石野 智晴, 阪口 豊
電子情報通信学会, Machida, Tokyo, (Mar. 14-16, 2012)
三浦 佳二
Estimating intrinsic noise correlations under arbitrary signal drift
「情報統計力学の最前線 ―確率が繋ぐ自然現象と情報処理の数理―」(YSM-SPIP), 仙台, (Dec. 14-16, 2012)
Kazuki Nakada, Keiji Miura, Tetsuya Asai, Hisa-aki Tanaka
Dynamical Systems Design of Nonlinear Oscillators using Phase Reduction Approach
IEEE APCCAS, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, (Dec. 2-5, 2012)
Keiji Miura
Effects of Noise Correlations on Population Coding
SCIS-ISIS, Kobe, Japan, (Nov. 20-24, 2012)
Keiji Miura, Kazuki Nakada
Synchronization Analysis of Resonate-and-Fire Neuron Models with Delayed Resets
SCIS-ISIS, Kobe, Japan, (Nov. 20-24, 2012)
Kazuki Nakada, Keiji Miura, Tetsuya Asai
Silicon Neuron Design based on Phase Reduction Analysis
SCIS-ISIS, Kobe, Japan, (Nov. 20-24, 2012)
Kazuki Nakada, Keiji Miura
Clock Synchronization Protocol Using Resonate-and-Fire Type of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators for Wireless Sensor Networks
iconip, Doha, Qatar, (Nov. 12-15, 2012)
中田 一紀, 三浦 佳二, 浅井 哲也
ニューロコンピューティング研究会(NC), 北九州, (Oct. 4-5, 2012)
Keiji Miura
Near zero noise correlations underlie efficient population codes in olfactory cortex
RIKEN BSI Forum, Saitama, (Oct. 1, 2012)
Keiji Miura, Zachary F. Mainen, Naoshige Uchida
Near zero noise correlations underlie efficient population codes in olfactory cortex
Neuroscience 2012, Nagoya, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
三浦 佳二, 藤田 武志
ネットワーク科学の数理と展開, 仙台, (Sep. 13-14, 2012)
三浦 佳二
ヘテロ・ニューロアナリシス研究会, 仙台, (Jul. 24, 2012)
Keiji Miura, Zachary F. Mainen, Naoshige Uchida
Fast, efficient population codes in olfactory cortex through decorrelation and synchronization to theta-frequency sniffing
包括脳 脳と心のメカニズム 夏のワークショップ, 仙台, (Jul. 24-27, 2012)
Keiji Miura
An unbiased estimator of noise correlations under signal drift
SIAM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, USA, (Jul. 9-13, 2012)
Alexander Woodward, Patrice Delmas, Takashi Ikegami
An optimal parameter analysis and GPU acceleration of the image receptive fields neural network approach.
IVCNZ '12, New Zealand, (Nov. 26-28, 2012)
Tom Froese, Takashi Ikegami, Nathaniel Virgo
The Behavior-Based Hypercycle: From Parasitic Reaction to Symbiotic Behavior
Artificial Life 13, Michigan, USA, (Jul. 19-21, 2012)
Mizuki Oka, Takashi Ikegami
Characterizing Autonomy in the Web via Transfer Entropy>
Artificial Life 13, East Lansing, Michigan, (Jul. 7-22, 2012)
Geoff Nitschke
Behavioral Heterogeneity and Collective Construction.
2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Brisbane, Australia, (Jun. 10-15, 2012)
Takaaki Aoki, Toshio Aoyagi
Co-evolving Network Dynamics between Reaction-Diffusive Resources on Nodes and Weighted Connections
2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2012), Palma, Majorca, Spain, (Oct. 22-26, 2012)
Takaaki Aoki, Toshio Aoyagi
日本物理学会2012年秋季大会, 横浜国立大学, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
Takaaki Aoki
ネットワーク科学の数理と展開, 東北大学, (Sep. 13-14, 2012)
Takaaki Aoki
ヘテロ・ニューロアナリシス研究会, 東北大学, (Jul. 24, 2012)
Hiromichi Suetani, Shotaro Akaho, Stefan Luther, Ulrich Parlitz
Manifold Learning for Data Assimilation and Control of Chaotic
Dynamics Days Europe 2012, University of Gothenburg , Sweden, (Sep. 2-7, 2012)
末谷 大道
[ja]カオス結合系の同期・非同期ダイナミクスとその数理[/ja][en]A Mathematical Approach for Synchronization in Coupled Chaotic Systems[/en](Japanese Only)
結合系セミナー, 京都大学, (Jul. 3, 2012)
Naoyuki Sato
Variety of cortical pathways formed by topographic neural projection: A computational study
The 19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2012), Doha, Quatar, (Nov. 12-15, 2012)
古川 徹生, 大久保 貴之
隠れマルチダイナミカルシステムの学習理論とアルゴリズム ~ 高階位相写像による実現
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 公立はこだて未来大学, (Jan. 26-27, 2012)
石橋 英朗, 古川 徹生
潜在変数分布で評価する高階自己組織化マップ ~ ヘテロなデータ集合体の可視化ツール ~
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 玉川大学, (Mar. 14-16, 2012)
松下 聡史, 古川 徹生
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 玉川大学, (Mar. 14-16, 2012)
Ryosuke Hosaka, Toshi Nakajima, Kazuyuki Aihara, Yoko Yamaguchi, Hajime Mushiake
Reciprocal activation of beta and gamma oscillations in primate medial motor areas
Neuroscience 2012, New Orleans, (Oct. 13-17, 2012)
Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Naohiro Saito, Hajime Mushiake
Are synchronous neurons in the cortex unique?
IEEE SCIS-ISIS, Kobe, (Nov. 20-24, 2012)
Norihiko Kawaguchi, Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Yoshito Furusawa, Jun Tanji, Masashi Aoki, Hajime Mushiake
The role of the supplementary eye fi eld in evaluating outcomes during an oculomotor search task.
Neuroscience 2012, Nagoya, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Naohiro Saito, Shun Yoshida, Yuichi Katori, Jun Tanji, Kazuyuki Aihara, Hajime Mushiake
Time-development of excitation-inhibition balance in the prefrontal cortex during a path-planning task.
Neuroscience 2012, Nagoya, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Norihiko Kawaguchi, Hajime Mushiake
Is advance planning of sequential movements reflected in the behavior of monkeys?
The 22th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society, Nagoya, (Sep. 12-14, 2012)
Yuichi Katori, Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Hajime Mushiake, Kazuyuki Aihara
Dynamical reorganization of attractor structure in neural network model with dynamic synapses
The 22th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society, Nagoya, (Sep. 12-14, 2012)
Kazuhiro Sakamoto
Prefrontal dynamics during behavioral planning
Postech-Kyutech Joint Workshop on Neuroinformatics, Kitakyushu, (Aug. 21, 2012)
Hiroaki Wagatsuma, Marie Fukudome, Kaori Tachibana, Kazuhiro Sakamoto
Extending the world to sense and behave: a supportive system focusing on the body coordination for neurocognitive rehabilitation
The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, Niece, (Jul. 22-27, 2012)
Johan Lauwereyns, Hiroshi Nishida, Gary D. Bird, A. David Redish, Muneyoshi Takahashi
Differential gamma activity related to correct spatial alternation in rat hippocampal CA1.
42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2012), New Orleans, U.S.A., (Oct. 13-17, 2012)
Gary D. Bird, Hiroya Sakai, Hiroshi Nishida, Jin Kinoshita, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns
Behavioral transition dynamics and the effects of reward probability and magnitude.
42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2012), New Orleans, U.S.A., (Oct. 13-17, 2012)
Hiroshi Nishida, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Gary D. Bird, A. David Redish, Johan Lauwereyns
A critical code for correct spatial alternation in rat hippocampal CA1.
第35回日本神経科学大会, 名古屋, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
Gary D. Bird, Hiroya Sakai, Hiroshi Nishida, Jin Kinoshita, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns
Effects of the probability and magnitude of reward on behavioral transition dynamics.
第35回日本神経科学大会, 名古屋, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
Hiroshi Nishida, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Gary D. Bird, A. David Redish, Johan Lauwereyns
Gamma activity in rat hippocampal CA1 predicts performance in a spatial alternation task.
日本神経回路学会 第22回全国大会, 名古屋, (Sep. 12-14, 2012)
Hiroshi Nishida, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Gary D. Bird, A. David Redish, Johan Lauwereyns
Gamma activity that predicts error during spatial alternation in rat hippocampal CA1
Dynamic Brain Forum 2012, Carmona, Spain, (Sep. 3-6, 2012)
Johan Lauwereyns
Convergent measures of abstract spatial coding in hippocampus.
Dynamic Brain Forum 2012, Carmona, Spain, (Sep. 3-6, 2012)
Muneyoshi Takahashi, Hiroshi Nishida, A. David Redish, Johan Lauwereyns
Predicting the flow of information by gamma oscillations in hippocampus during preparatory waiting.
Dynamic Brain Forum 2012, Carmona, Spain, (Sep. 3-6, 2012)
Hiroshi Nishida, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Gary D. Bird, A. David Redish, Johan Lauwereyns
Gamma activity in rat hippocampal CA1 predicts performance in a spatial alternation task.
Dynamic Brain Forum 2012, Carmona, Spain, (Sep. 3-6, 2012)
高橋 宗良, 西田 洋司, A David Redish, Johan Lauwereyns
2012年度包括脳ネットワーク 夏のワークショップ, 仙台, (Jul. 26, 2012)
西田 洋司, 高橋 宗良, 伊良皆 啓治, Johan Lauwereyns
第51回日本生体医工学会大会, 福岡, (May 10-12, 2012)
Itsuki Kageyama, Kiyohisa Natsume
Impact of temperature on carbachol-induced hippocampal neural rhythm
The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Nagoya, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
礒村 宜和
システム神経科学セミナー, 東京都小平市, (Jan. 24, 2013)
礒村 宜和
玉川大学GCOE・大阪大学認知脳GCOE合同ワークショップ, 名古屋, (Jan. 19-20, 2013)
礒村 宜和
玉川大学GCOE・大阪大学認知脳GCOE合同ワークショップ, 名古屋, (Jan. 19-20, 2013)
礒村 宜和
Motor information processing in rodent primary and secondary motor cortices.
意思決定とコミュニケーションの脳ダイナミクスと相互作用, 仙台, (Jul. 24-27, 2012)
礒村 宜和
チュートリアル:ラット遺伝子改変技術を脳科学研究に活かすために, 仙台, (Jul. 24-27, 2012)
Yoshiyuki Kubota, Fuyuki Karube, Masaki Nomura, Allan T. Gulledge, Atsushi Mochizuki, Andreas Schertel, Yasuo Kawaguchi
Conserved properties of dendritic trees in four cortical interneuron subtypes
International Conference of Physiological Sciences 2012, Suzhou, China, (Nov. 1-4, 2012)
窪田 芳之
Conserved properties of dendritic trees in four cortical interneuron subtypes
第35回日本神経科学会大会 シンポジウム”神経突起の形成とリモデリングを制御する新規メカニズムと普遍原理”, 名古屋, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
Yoshiyuki Kubota, Satoru Kondo, Masaki Nomura, Sayuri Hatada, Hiroko Kita, Noboru Yamaguchi, Fuyuki Karube, Yasuo Kawaguchi
Locally limited IPSC conduction on cortical pyramidal cell induced by FS nonpyramidal cell
FENS Forum 2012, symposium “Inhibiroty functional architecture in the cerebral cortex”, Barcelona, Spain, (Jul. 14-18, 2012)
萬田 暁, 大森 敏明, 北園 淳, 岡田 真人
日本物理学会第67回年次大会, 関西学院大学, (Mar. 24-27, 2012)
飯田 宗徳, 大森 敏明, 青西 亨, 岡田 真人
日本物理学会第67回年次大会, 関西学院大学, (Mar. 24-27, 2012)
関口 智樹, 大森 敏明, 岡田 真人
Slow Feature Analysisへの確率伝搬法の適用
日本物理学会第67回年次大会, 関西学院大学, (Mar. 24-27, 2012)
大森 敏明, 青西 亨, 岡田 真人
日本物理学会第67回年次大会, 関西学院大学, (Mar. 24-27, 2012)
北園 淳, 大森 敏明, 青西 亨, 岡田 真人
日本物理学会第67回年次大会, 関西学院大学, (Mar. 24-27, 2012)
飯田 宗徳, 大森 敏明, 青西 亨, 岡田 真人
電子情報通信学会ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 玉川大学, (Mar. 14-16, 2012)
角田 敬正, 織田 善晃, 大森 敏明, 井上 雅司, 宮川 博義, 岡田 真人, 青西 亨
電子情報通信学会ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 玉川大学, (Mar. 14-16, 2012)
関口 智樹, 大森 敏明, 岡田 真人
確率的Slow Feature Analysisにおける観測ノイズの影響
情報処理学会数理モデル化と問題解決研究会, 指宿市民会館, (Mar. 1-2, 2012)
萬田 暁, 大森 敏明, 北園 淳, 岡田 真人
電子情報通信学会ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 公立はこだて未来大学, (Jan. 26-27, 2012)
礒村 宜和
生理学若手サマー(ウィンター)スクール, 東京, (Feb. 11-12, 2012)
Yoshikazu Isomura
Microcircuitry mechanism of voluntary movements.
Japan-France Joint Symposium on Neural Dynamics and Plasticity: from Synapse to Network, Kyoto, Japan, (Jan. 12-13, 2012)
Ryuta Aoki, Madoka Matsumoto, Yukihito Yomogida, Keise Izuma, Kou Murayama, Ayaka Sugiura, Colin Camerer, Ralph Adolphs, Kenji Matsumoto
Neural correlates of the reward value for number of choice options
Neuroscience 2012, New Orleans, (Oct. 13-17, 2012)
Yukihito Yomogida, Madoka Matsumoto, Ryuta Aoki, Ayaka Sugiura, Kenji Matsumoto
The neural basis of persuasion on social norms
Neuroscience 2012, New Orleans, (Oct. 13-17, 2012)
Ayaka Sugiura, Kou Murayama, Madoka Matsumoto, Yukihito Yomogida, Ryuta Aoki, Toshikazu Hasegawa, Kenji Matsumoto
Neural basis of self-efficacy in relation with persistence after failure
Neuroscience 2012, New Orleans, (Oct. 13-17, 2012)
Ryuta Aoki, Madoka Matsumoto, Yukihito Yomogida, Keise Izuma, Kou Murayama, Ayaka Sugiura, Colin Camerer, Ralph Adolphs, Kenji Matsumoto
Neural correlates of the reward value for number of choice options
Annual meeting of Society for Social Neuroscience 2012, New Orleans, (Oct. 11-12, 2012)
Yukihito Yomogida, Madoka Matsumoto, Ryuta Aoki, Ayaka Sugiura, Kenji Matsumoto
The neural basis of persuasion on social norms
Annual meeting of Society for Social Neuroscience 2012, New Orleans, (Oct. 11-12, 2012)
Ayaka Sugiura, Kou Murayama, Madoka Matsumoto, Yukihito Yomogida, Ryuta Aoki, Toshikazu Hasegawa, Kenji Matsumoto
Neural basis of self-efficacy in relation with persistence after failure
Annual meeting of Society for Social Neuroscience 2012, New Orleans, (Oct. 11-12, 2012)
Yukihito Yomogida, Madoka Matsumoto, Ryuta Aoki, Ayaka Sugiura, Kenji Matsumoto
The neural basis of persuasion on attitude towards social norms
Neuroeconomics 2012, Miami, (Sep. 28-30, 2012)
Ryuta Aoki, Madoka Matsumoto, Yukihito Yomogida, Keise Izuma, Kou Murayama, Ayaka Sugiura, Colin Camerer, Ralph Adolphs, Kenji Matsumoto
Reward value for number of choice options and its equality
Neuroeconomics 2012, Miami, (Sep. 28-30, 2012)
Ayaka Sugiura, Kou Murayama, Madoka Matsumoto, Yukihito Yomogida, Ryuta Aoki, Toshikazu Hasegawa, Kenji Matsumoto
Neural basis of persistence after failure associated with self-efficacy
日本神経科学大会, 名古屋, (Sep. 18-21, 2012)
Takashi Kojima, Tohru Kodama, Yoshiko Honda, Takayuki Hosokawa, Masataka Watanabe
Oral administration of methylphenidate increases dopamine release in the prefrontal cortex and striatum in the monkey - a microdialysis study
Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC, (Nov. 12-16, 2012)