A01G1 | A01G2 | A01G3 | |
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Yasuhiro Fukushima, Yoshikazu Isomura, Yutaka Yamaguti, Shigeru Kuroda, Ichiro Tsuda
Inhibitory Network Dependency in Cantor Coding
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics - 2011, ed.Yamaguchi,Yoko, Springer (2013), 635-640 (2013)
Hiromichi Tsukada, Yutaka Yamaguti, Ichiro Tsuda
Transitory memory retrieval in a biologically plausible neural network model
Cognitive Neurodynamics, Vol. 7(5), 409-416 (2013)
Yongtao Li, Ichiro Tsuda
Novelty-induced memory transmission between two nonequilibrium neural networks
Cogn Neurodyn (2013), Vol. 7(3), 225–236 (2013)
Ichiro Tsuda
Towards Understanding of Neural Dynamics in Communicating Brains
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics – 2011, 415-420 (2013)
Yongtao Li, Ichiro Tsuda
A Communicative Model: Can We Interpret Neural Dynamics of Understanding?
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics – 2011, 551-558 (2013)
Hiromichi Tsukada, Yutaka Yamaguti, Hiroshi Fujii, Ichiro Tsuda
Transitory Memory Retrieval in the Neural Networks Composed of Pinsky-Rinzel Model Neurons
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics – 2011, 683-689 (2013)
Ichiro Tsuda
Chaotic itinerancy
Scholarpedia, Vol. 8(1), 4459 (2013)
Kei-Ichi Ueda
Three-state network design for robust loop-searching systems
Physical Review E, Vol. 87, 052920 (2013)
Yasumasa Nishiura, Takashi Teramoto, Masaaki Yadome
Heterogeneity-induced pulse generators
Lecture Note Series in Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis, 147-152 (2013)
Yasumasa Nishiura, Takashi Teramoto, Masaaki Yadome
Heterogeneity-induced pulse generators
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III): Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics - 2011, (2013)
Hidetoshi Aoki
Slow Stochastic Switching by Collective Chaos of Fast Elements
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 111, 144102 (2013)
Yusuke Goto
Minimal Model for Stem-Cell Differentiation
Physical Review E, Vol. 88, 032718 (2013)
Shuji Ishihara, Kunihiko Kaneko
The Baldwin effect under multi-peaked fitness landscapes: Phenotypic fluctuation accelerates evolutionary rate
Physical Review E, Vol. 87, 052701 (2013)
Kunihiko Kaneko
Epigenetic feedback regulation accelerates adaptation and evolution
PLoS ONE, Vol. 8, e61251 (2013)
Masayo Inoue, Kunihiko Kaneko
Cooperative Adaptive Response in Gene Regulatory Networks with Many Degrees of Freedom
PLoS Computational Biology, Vol. 9(4), e1003001 (2013)
Tomoki Kurikawa, Kunihiko Kaneko
Embedding Responses in Spontaneous Neural Activity Shaped through Sequential Learning
PLoS Computational Biology, Vol. 9, e1002943 (2013)
川崎 真弘, 北城 圭一
信学技報, Vol. 113(128), 67-72 (2013)
川崎 真弘, 北城 圭一, 深尾 憲二郎, 村井 俊哉, 山口 陽子, 船曳 康子
信学技報, Vol. 113(73), 201-205 (2013)
佐瀬巧, 北城圭一, 合原一幸
生産研究, Vol. 65(3), 325-328 (2013)
Keiichi Kitajo, Yumi Nakagawa, Yutaka Uno, Ryohei Miyota, Masanori Shimono, Kentaro Yamanaka, Yoko Yamaguchi
A manipulative approach to neural dynamics by combined TMS-EEG.
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics, Vol. 3, 155-160 (2013)
Florence Kleberg, Keiichi Kitajo, Masahiro Kawasaki, Yoko Yamaguchi
Prestimulus neural oscillations contribute to recollection and familiarity.
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics, Vol. 3, 717-725 (2013)
Masashi Kondo, Tatsuo Kitajima, Satoshi Fujii, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara
Modulation of synaptic plasticity by the coactivation of spatially distinct synaptic inputs in rat hippocampal CA1 apical dendrites.
Brain research, Vol. 1526, 1-14 (2013)
Yoshinori Ide, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara
Integration of Hetero Inputs to Guinea Pig Auditory Cortex Established by Fear Conditioning
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), 765-771 (2013)
Yoshinori Ide, Muneyoshi Takahash, Johan Lauwereyns, Guy Sandner, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara
Fear conditioning induces guinea pig auditory cortex activation, by foot shock alone
Cognitive Neurodynamics, Vol. 7, 67–77 (2013)
Abe N, Fujii T, Suzuki M, Ueno A, Shigemune Y, Mugikura S, Takahashi S, Mori E
Encoding- and retrieval-related brain activity underlying false recognition.
Neuroscience research, Vol. 76(4), 240-50 (2013)
臨床神経, Vol. 53, 1234-1236 (2013)
鈴木麻希, 藤井俊勝
Clinical Neuroscience, Vol. 31, 1414-1417 (2013)
Toshihiro Nakamori, Motohiro Maebuchi, Jiro Okuda, Maki Suzuki, Ryuji Takeda, Akiyoshi Sawabe
Behavioral evidence for beneficial effects of soy peptide supplementation on higher brain function in healthy young volunteers
Japanese Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Vol. 41(5), 457-464 (2013)
Ogura K, Fujii T, Suzuki K, Mori E
Pure agraphia in Romaji after left inferior frontal gyrus infarction: A case of selective deficit in syllable-to-grapheme conversion in Japanese.
Brain and language, Vol. 127(1), 1-5 (2013)
Takao Fukui, Toshio Inui
How vision affects kinematic properties of pantomimed prehension movements.
Frontiers in psychology, Vol. 4, 44 (2013)
Toshio Inui
Toward a unified framework for understanding the various symptoms and etiology of autism and Williams syndrome.
Japanese Psychological Research, Vol. 55(2), 99-117 (2013)
Takeshi Konno, Junya Morita, Takashi Hashimoto
Symbol communication systems integrate implicit information in coordination tasks
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III): Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics - 2011, (2013)
Yasushi Naruse, Ken Takiyama, Masato Okada, Hiroaki Umehara
Statistical method, for detecting phase shifts in alpha rhythm from human, electroencephalogram data
Physical Review E87, (2013)
Yutaka Sakaguchi
Intermittent brain motor control observed in continuous, tracking task
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), 461-468 (2013)
Wang AY, Miura K, Uchida N
The dorsomedial striatum encodes net expected return, critical for energizing performance vigor.
Nature neuroscience, Vol. 16(5), 639-47 (2013)
Miura K
A Semiparametric Covariance Estimator Immune to Arbitrary Signal Drift
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Vol. 19(1), 35-41 (2013)
Mizuki Oka, Takashi Ikegami
Exploring Default Mode and Information Flow on the Web.
PLoS One, Vol. in press, (2013)
Tom Froese, Alex Woodward, Takashi Ikegami
Turing instabilities in biology, culture, and consciousness? On the enactive origins of symbolic material culture.
Adaptive Behaviors, Vol. in press, (2013)
Yuki Izumida, Hiroshi Kori
Coarse-grained description of general oscillator networks
arXiv, 1311.0917 (2013)
Hiromichi Suetan, Jun Morimoto
Canonical Correlation Analysis for Muscle Synergies Organized by Sensory-Motor Interactions in Musculoskeletal Arm Movements
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA), 2591-2596 (2013)
U.Parlitz, Hiromichi Suetani, S. Luther
Identification of equivalent dynamics using ordinal pattern distributions
Naoyuki Sato
Fast entrainment of human electroencephalogram to a theta-band photic flicker during successful memory encoding.
Frontiers in human neuroscience, Vol. 7(208), (2013)
Toshi Nakajima, Ryosuke Hosaka, Ichiro Tsuda, Jun Tanji, Hajime Mushiake
Two-dimensional representation of action and arm-use sequences in the presupplementary and supplementary motor areas.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, Vol. 33(39), 15533-44 (2013)
Atsushi Miyazaki, Toshi Nakajima, Keisetsu Shima, Hajime Mushiake
Neuronal Activity in the Prefrontal Cortex During Performance of a Dual Task Consisting of a Main- and An Interrupting-Task
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), 795-801 (2013)
Hajime Mushiake, Keisetsu Shima, Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Yuichi Katori, Kazuyuki Aihara
Dynamic Neuronal Representation in the Prefrontal Cortex
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), 9-15 (2013)
Jun-ichi Iwata, Keisetsu Shima, Jun Tanji, Hajime Mushiake
Neurons in the cingulate motor area signal context-based and outcome-based volitional selection of action.
Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Experimentation cerebrale, Vol. 229(3), 407-417 (2013)
Sakamoto K, Katori Y, Saito N, Yoshida S, Aihara K, Mushiake H
Increased firing irregularity as an emergent property of neural-state transition in monkey prefrontal cortex
PlosONE, Vol. 8, e80906 (2013)
日本神経回路学会誌, Vol. 20, 174-179 (2013)
日本神経回路学会誌, Vol. 20, 37-41 (2013)
Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Katsutoshi Yamamoto, Naohiro Saito, Kazuyuki Aihara, Jun Tanji, Hajime Mushiake
Neuronal synchrony during the planning and execution period in the prefrontal cortex.
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), 331-338 (2012)
Hajime Mushiake, Keisetsu Shima, Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Yuichi Katori, Kazuyuki Aihara
Dynamical neuronal representation in the prefrontal cortex.
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), 9-15 (2013)
Jousuke Kuroiwa, Shigetoshi Nara
Errorless description with two rules of cellular automata for digital sound data
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 23(8), 1350148 (2013)
高橋宗良, 西田洋司, Johan Lauwereyns
心理学評論, Vol. 56(2), 237-250 (2013)
Hiroshi Nishida, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Jin Kinoshita, Johan Lauwereyns
Transition dynamics in spatial choice
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics – 2011, 393-399 (2013)
Muneyoshi Takahashi, Yoshio Sakurai, Yoshikazu Isomura, Minoru Tsukada, Johan Lauwereyns
The theta cycle and spike timing during fixation in rat hippocampal CA1
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics – 2011, 773-779 (2013)
Yoshinori Ide, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Johan Lauwereyns, Guy Sandner, Minoru Tsukada, Takeshi Aihara
Fear Conditioning Induces Guinea Pig Auditory Cortex Activation by Foot Shock Alone
Cognitive Neurodynamics, Vol. 7(1), 67-77 (2013)
夏目 季代久, 中司 弘樹
脳内で観察される周波数の異なる神経振動 The rhythms with Different Frequencies in Rodent Brains
日本神経回路学会論文誌 The Brain & Neural Networks, Vol. 20(1), 3-6 (2013)
Jun Igarashi, Yoshikazu Isomura, Kensuke Arai, Rie Harukuni, Tomoki Fukai
A θ-γ Oscillation Code for Neuronal Coordination during Motor Behavior.
The Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 33(47), 18515-30 (2013)
Kei Oyama, Shinya Ohara, Sho Sato, Fuyuki Karube, Fumino Fujiyama, Yoshikazu Isomura, Hajime Mushiake, Toshio Iijima, Ken-Ichiro Tsutsui
Long-lasting single-neuron labeling by in vivo electroporation without microscopic guidance.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 218(2), 139-47 (2013)
Yoshikazu Isomura, Takashi Takekawa, Rie Harukuni, Takashi Handa, Hidenori Aizawa, Masahiko Takada, Tomoki Fukai
Reward-modulated motor information in identified striatum neurons.
The Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 33(25), 10209-20 (2013)
Hidenori Aizawa, Shin Yanagihara, Megumi Kobayashi, Kazue Niisato, Takashi Takekawa, Rie Harukuni, Thomas J McHugh, Tomoki Fukai, Yoshikazu Isomura, Hitoshi Okamoto
The synchronous activity of lateral habenular neurons is essential for regulating hippocampal theta oscillation.
The Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 33(20), 8909-21 (2013)
Yasuhiro Tsubo, Yoshikazu Isomura, Tomoki Fukai
Neural dynamics and information representation in microcircuits of motor cortex.
Frontiers in Neural Circuits, Vol. 7, 85 (2013)
Yasuhiro Tsubo, Yoshikazu Isomura, Tomoki Fukai
Passage-time coding with timing kernel inferred from irregular cortical spike sequences.
J Stat Mech Theor Exp (JSTAT), P03004 (2013)
Riichiro Hira, Fuki Ohkubo, Katsuya Ozawa, Yoshikazu Isomura, Kazuo Kitamura, Masanobu Kano, Haruo Kasai, Masanori Matsuzaki
Spatiotemporal dynamics of functional clusters of neurons in the mouse motor cortex during a voluntary movement.
J Neurosci, Vol. 33(4), 1377-1390 (2013)
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New insights into the classification and nomenclature of cortical GABAergic interneurons.
Nature reviews. Neuroscience, Vol. 14(3), 202-16 (2013)
Kou Murayama, Madoka Matsumoto, Keise Izuma, Ayaka Sugiura, Richard M. Ryan, Edward L. Deci, Kenji Matsumoto
How Self-Determined Choice Facilitates Performance: A Key Role of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex.
Cerebral cortex, (2013)
Zhao Q, Caiafa CF, Mandic DP, Chao ZC, Nagasaka Y, Fujii N, Zhang L, Cichocki A
Higher order partial least squares (HOPLS): a generalized multilinear regression method.
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, Vol. 35(7), 1660-73 (2013)
Nagasaka, Y., Chao, Z. C., Hasegawa, N., Notoya, T., & Fujii, N.
Unintentional Synchronization of Behavior in Japanese Monkeys
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III), 745-751 (2013)
Edward A. Wasserman, Yasuo Nagasaka, Leyre Castro Ruiz, Stephen J. Brzykcy
Pigeons learn virtual patterned-string problems in a computerized touch screen environment.
Animal cognition, Vol. 16(5), 737-53 (2013)
Yasuo Nagasaka, Zenas C. Chao, Naomi Hasegawa, Tomonori Notoya, Naotaka Fujii
Spontaneous synchronization of arm motion between Japanese macaques.
Scientific reports, Vol. 3, 1151 (2013)